Home Inspections: What to Expect
Inspections are a great thing. They can be a tool for price reductions in a “normal” sale or, in the case of a distressed real estate sale where the bank will not make repairs (regardless of the outcome), you will at least find out what you’re getting yourself into.
In all cases, you can expect a full written report back which is usually accompanied by photos of any offending items. A word of warning: There WILL be offending items – it’s their job to find them – and you can expect a long laundry list.
TIP: Every single thing that’s noted will be listed. If they don’t point them out, then they could be accused of not doing a thorough job so you’ll find a lot of “petty” stuff on there. Do not feak out and blow the sale. This is normal. Most of the items are small and repairable from missing door handles to missing light bulbs. No house is perfect. The stuff to look out for are the major items such as HVAC repair, Chinese dry wall, roof repair, extensive wood rot and the like. These items can be costly, although if the price is right, it may not matter.
A word on mould. Mould (mold) is everywhere and in every house, whether you can see it or not. There are different types of mould but where there is moisture you will likely see it. It’s not the end of the world and it’s not unusual to find. You don’t need to run a mile at the mention of the word, but you do want to check it out and make sure that a.) it’s not extensive and b.) it can be quickly and inexpensively remediated.
If you have any questions on Orlando home inspections or would like a referral, please feel free to contact email your MetroWest real estate specialists or call: 407-290-3408. If you’re looking for a condo inspection, you’ll find some useful information on our Orlando condo inspection page.
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